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TopCEM Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement-Luting
TopCEM Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement-Luting
TopCEM Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement-Luting

TopCEM Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement-Luting

Contact VinciSmile

Indications and Usages of TopCEM RMGI Cement-Luting

  • Cementation of porcelain-fused-to-metal(PFM) crowns and bridges

  • Cementation of metal crowns, inlays and onlays

  • All-zirconia strengthened core ceramic restorations

  • Cementation of resin inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges

  • Final cementation PFMS, metal crowns or all

  • zirconia strengthened core ceramic restorations toimplant abutments

Main Features of TopCEM RMGI Cement-Luting

  • Time saving: self-adhesive luting cement, no need of etching, priming or bonding.

  • Virtually no post-operative sensitivity

  • Easy removal of excess material

  • Sufficient bonding strength,high compressive and flexural strength provide improved durability and marginalintegrity

  • Suitable for most luting applications

  • Low film thickness ensures excellent marginal fit

  • Fluoride releasing like conventional glass ionomer cements.

  • Increased radiopacity

Technical Parameters of TopCEM RMGI Cement-Luting

Mixing Ratio (base:catelyst)


Working Time (minimum)

1min 30sec

Intra-oral Setting Time

(maximum,from initial mix)

4min 30sec


TopCEM Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement-Luting PDF

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Phone: 1-626-400-1204


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