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Three Exciting UPDATES for VinciSmile Clear Aligners!


Update 1: Faster Delivery of Treatment Plans
3 days →1 day


Thanks to our unwavering commitment to AI-driven innovation and rigorous internal training, the turn over time for designing your 3D treatment plans has been remarkably reduced from a span of 3 days to an impressive 1 day! Furthermore, with a mere 4-day manufacturing period, including weekends, the entire process—from the submission of your case to the completion of the aligner manufacturing—is now streamlined to be completed within just 5 days.

Update 2: More Helpful Quick Demo
Target Position → Full-Step Demonstration


The Quick Demo has long been an invaluable tool for VinciSmile doctors, enabling them to spark patient interest by showcasing the simulated target tooth positions using the patient's intra-oral scan. Now, this feature has undergone a remarkable enhancement, allowing you to present a comprehensive 3D visualization of each treatment step with the same scan model, and with no extra time required.

Update 3: More Convenient Modification Options
Undo/Redo/Save Now Available


Made a mistake while modifying the target position? Don't worry! Our transparent aligners system now provides you with the 'Undo', 'Redo', and 'Save' features, making it easier to correct errors, streamline your workflow, and save valuable time.

Whenever and whatever you need, we would like to provide the best solution for you.
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